Replacing cell value assignment loops with single array assignments in VBA

If you’re shifting large amounts of data around between VBA variables and Excel worksheets, there are substantial performance gains that can be achieved by making relatively straightforward changes to your VBA, especially if you’re faced with code similar to the following:

Dim i, j, columns, rows As Integer
columns = 50
rows = 50

For i = 1 To columns
    For j = 1 To rows
        Sheets("RandomValues").Cells(j, i).Value = Rnd
    Next j
Next i

If the intention is to simply move data from VBA to a worksheet in a single, atomic operation, the very first (and simplest) performance optimization is to switch off automatic recalculation before entering the loop:

Dim i, j, columns, rows As Integer
columns = 50
rows = 50

Application.Calculation = xlManual

For i = 1 To columns
    For j = 1 To rows
        Sheets("RandomValues").Cells(j, i).Value = Rnd
    Next j
Next i

Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic

In the above case of generating 2,500 (in this case, random) values in VBA and writing them out to the RandomValues sheet, switching off automatic recalculation reduced the mean runtime over five runs from 35.22s (standard deviation [SD] = 0.367s) to 0.270s (SD = 0.010s), a performance improvement of just over two orders of magnitude.

But what happens if we increase the number of values to, say, 250,000 in a 500×500 grid? In this case, even with automatic recalculation switched off, we see the runtime of the above code increasing roughly linearly back up to 26.62s (SD = 0.317s). The major bottleneck has now shifted to the cell value assignment, which is being called 250,000 times in the inner loop. The easiest way to alleviate this is to assign the values to an array in the inner loop, then assign the array directly to the desired range:

Option Base 1

Dim i, j, columns, rows As Integer
Dim values() As Double
columns = 500
rows = 500

Application.Calculation = xlManual

ReDim values(rows, columns)

For i = 1 To columns
    For j = 1 To rows
        values(j, i) = Rnd
    Next j
Next i

With Sheets("RandomValues")
    .Range(.Cells(1, 1), .Cells(rows, columns)).Value = values
End With

Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic

This once again gives us a performance improvement in excess of two orders of magnitude relative to the manual calculation single-cell assignment loop. With 100x more values than in the first two examples, the runtime dropped back down to 0.138s (SD = 0.004s). Since the VBA is no longer interacting with the worksheet in the inner loop, we could actually leave automatic recalculation on in this final example, although there is still a slight performance hit relative to switching on manual recalculation: leaving automatic recalculation on increased the runtime to 0.163s (SD = 0.004s).

If we examine these three approaches together on a modest number of data points, say 1,000 in a 10×100 grid, we can see the substantial incremental effects on the performance of moving the data out onto the worksheet:

SD, standard deviation; n=5 for each technique
Technique Mean runtime (ms) SD (ms)
Automatic recalculation with individual cell assignment 13,851.80 292.54
Manual recalculation with individual cell assignment 106.04 3.48
Manual recalculation with single array assignment 0.86 0.14

The improvement is so dramatic that if you do have any VBA that’s performing a similar task, it’s definitely worth investigating both of these relatively straightforward optimizations.

Adding text cells to an Excel worksheet using xlsx4j

I’ve just started using xlsx4j (a large collection of classes in what is more widely known as the docx4j project) to implement Excel export as part of a large, ongoing StackThread project. As an extremely brief introduction, docx4j uses the Java Architecture for XML Binding (JAXB) to create an in-memory representation of the Microsoft Open XML format that underlies all Microsoft Office documents in the post-2007 era.

Since xlsx4j is effectively a wrapper around the Open XML format, it becomes immediately apparent in using the library that you need to have some familiarity with the file format in order to get anything working. The first snag I hit was the manner in which Excel handles string storage, namely through the use of a shared string table. The shared string table contains every unique string in the workbook only once. Every cell that contains a string actually just holds a reference to the appropriate string in the shared string table. While I did eventually get this working, it took quite a lot of code to do so:

// Create a new spreadsheet package
SpreadsheetMLPackage pkg = SpreadsheetMLPackage.createPackage();

// Create a new worksheet part and retrieve the sheet data
WorksheetPart sheet = pkg.createWorksheetPart(new PartName("/xl/worksheets/sheet1.xml"), "Sheet 1", 1);
SheetData sheetData = sheet.getJaxbElement().getSheetData();

// Keep track of how many strings we've added
long sharedStringCounter = 0;

// Create a new row
Row row = Context.getsmlObjectFactory().createRow();

// Create a shared strings table instance
CTSst sharedStringTable = new CTSst();
CTXstringWhitespace ctx;
CTRst crt;

// Create 10 cells and add them to the row
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
	// Create a shared string
	crt = new CTRst();
	ctx = Context.getsmlObjectFactory().createCTXstringWhitespace();
	ctx.setValue("Shared string text " + Integer.toString(i + 1));
	// Add it to the shared string table
	// Add a reference to the shared string to our cell using the counter
    Cell cell = Context.getsmlObjectFactory().createCell();
    // Add the cell to the row and increment the counter

// Add the row to our sheet

// Set the string and unique string counts on the shared string table

// Create a SharedStrings workbook part 
SharedStrings sharedStrings = new SharedStrings(new PartName("/xl/sharedStrings.xml"));

// Add the shared string table to the part

// Then add the part to the workbook
Parts parts = pkg.getParts();
Part workBook = parts.get( new PartName("/xl/workbook.xml") );

This is, of course, greatly simplified. Notably, as you'll see on line 46, it's not keeping track of unique strings. While this wouldn't be too difficult to implement (a HashMap<String, Integer> could be used to keep count of unique strings and instances), the above code feels very heavyweight for one of the most basic spreadsheet manipulation tasks. Thankfully, there is an easier way.

The easier way

After a little bit of digging around, I discovered that cells also support inline strings. With the addition of a convenience newCellWithInlineString method to generate INLINE_STR cells, the shared string table code can be removed entirely, leaving this:

// Create a new spreadsheet package
SpreadsheetMLPackage pkg = SpreadsheetMLPackage.createPackage();

// Create a new worksheet part and retrieve the sheet data
WorksheetPart sheet = pkg.createWorksheetPart(new PartName("/xl/worksheets/sheet1.xml"), "Sheet 1", 1);
SheetData sheetData = sheet.getJaxbElement().getSheetData();

// Create a new row
Row row = Context.getsmlObjectFactory().createRow();

// Create 10 cells and add them to the row
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
	row.getC().add(this.newCellWithInlineString("Inline string text " + Integer.toString(i + 1)));

// Add the row to our sheet

private Cell newCellWithInlineString(String string) {
	CTXstringWhitespace ctx = Context.getsmlObjectFactory().createCTXstringWhitespace();
	CTRst ctrst = new CTRst();
	Cell newCell = Context.getsmlObjectFactory().createCell();
	return newCell;

While the first example could definitely have been distilled down and refactored to keep the workings of the shared string table hidden away, the lack of string-tracking overhead in the second example makes for much easier-to-read code in my opinion. It's also much faster to get to the point of functional Excel export without having the hassle of setting up the shared string table. I haven't yet investigated the performance implications of using INLINE_STR when opening the workbook in Excel, but from a quick look at the XML after opening and saving an Excel workbook created using the INLINE_STR method, it looks as though Excel generates its own shared string table when the workbook's first saved.

Talk on BioSAVE: Cambridge, Thursday 18th October

I’ll be giving a brief talk (10 minutes or so) on the development of my BioSAVE (Biological Sequence Annotation Viewer) program for Mac OS X at The Cambridge Computational Biology Institute (CCBI) this coming Thursday.

The talk will focus on OS X as a platform for rapid application development and a little bit on what BioSAVE can actually be used for. A poster advertising the meeting can be found here (PDF; 364 Kb).

The CCBI is located here:

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